PC Compatible VMEbus Single-Board Computer with SERCOS Interface

SERCOS Multi-Axes CNC Controller OMC300
- Result of long lasting experiences in developing CNC Control Systems for industrial applications
- CNC core processes assigned CNC command sequences in real-time and handles the complete control of the SERCOS Drives over the integrated SERCOS Interface
- Application-specific extension of the CNC command interpreter are possible at any time, in order to incorporate special technological requirements
- CompactFlash Slot to use CompactFlash cards for operating system, application, and user data
- Ethernet Interface
- Four fast interrupt-capable electrically isolated digitale inputs, and four fast electrically isolated digital outputs
- Incremental Encoder Input, in order to connect a handwheel, for example
- Inegrated BIOS designed for industrial applications: All settings are stored non-volatile or are configured automatically, no battery is necessary to keep the configuration settings
- Operating System OAGLinux: Designed for industrial real-time applications
- High-Resolution Watchdog: Short reaction time for critical real-time applications
- Maintenance-Free: No battery, no fans
- Ambient temperature: 0 to 40°C